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'Source of inspiration and its wake.

Emotions create chaos …. 

Confidence is there: inner feelings give me bursts of creativity, like identity vindications.

In painting, the unconscious calls on the abstract to make itself visible.

Once the dialogue is created, consciousness is elevated.

Is painting the way to acceptance of representation of what seems to us unfathomable?

Is painting:

  • contentment or demand?
  • exultation or slow death?
  • abandonment or losing grip?

If painting is not a command, should it be a summons to accomplish yourself?'



The challenge is always capturing the forces that make the inner accessible to the eye and to unexpected sensations.

Genesis of works in 2022-2023:       

The hand guides the eye

The work falls within abstract expressionism.

Brushes, knives, sponges, jets, are all put to work. The eye learns to make visible the invisible.

Some are animated by a blast of paint, others are reminders of petroglyphs. Contradictions, unexpected and benevolent balance of power, all impose their own colour.

Matter governs the ordering and the inner history of creation. emerging from ridges and geological folds, it governs the order and intimate history of creation in my last paintings.  

Ridges create shade on the canvas, colours let a secret light well up.

The feeling of touching the crevices of the rocks allows me to establish other relationships with my work,­­ giving back its place to the eye of the hand.

Animus / Anima

The evolution of my work has also been influenced by my professional approach as a human resources coach within companies. Very early I felt the need to approach the analysis of priorities by bringing together different ontological and systemic strands.

These very human professional experiences have greatly contributed to the transition from the ‘eye guides the hand’ to ‘the hand guides the eye’.

Invisible shapes

A few examples of my work genesis during 1995-2010, when

The eye guides the hand.

The mood is in the colour combinations, brushes work under the watch of the eye. Serendipity meddles between eye and hand.